Personal Training Programming for the Beginner – StrengthLog

Personal Training Programming for the Beginner – StrengthLog

Success in personal training programming is measured mainly by how efficiently and effectively your program can usher clients toward their unique fitness goals while ensuring safety and sustainability.

This article provides an overview of everything from the basic principles of personal training programs to advanced programming techniques, enabling you to create the perfect plans for your clients, whether they’re beginners or seasoned athletes.

What Is Personal Training Programming?

Personal training programming is the art and science of creating effective programs to meet individual goals, tailoring them to your client’s current fitness levels, and planning for the future.

Each new client presents a unique challenge to create a program that delivers the best results.

Unlike a generic fitness program for the general public, the best personal training programs cater to specific needs, considering aspects like your client’s current fitness level, exercise history, and goals.

They allow for a better choice of exercises and programming, leading to more efficient and safer training sessions.

Your goal with an individualized personal training program is to systematically lead your client from their current fitness levels to their desired state, whether that be weight loss, strength improvement, performance enhancement, stress management, or any other health-related target.

That’s the hallmark of a great personal trainer.

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The Principles of Personal Training Programming

You need a firm grasp of the principles of resistance training to craft the best possible program for your clients.


The training program you design should align with the client’s goals.

A weight loss program for a sedentary adult differs significantly from strength training for a professional athlete.


Progressive overload involves gradually increasing the demands placed on the body during training.

As a personal trainer, you can implement overload in your clients’ programs by increasing the weight lifted, adjusting the rep range, reducing rest periods, or adding complexity to the movement patterns.

Most trainees are much more likely to train with the intensity needed for the best results when they are motivated by you, the personal trainer, than when following a generic program on their own.

When your client has a firm grasp on form and technique, it’s your job to provide that push to improve in a safe environment based on the client’s fitness level.


Recovery is is one of the most crucial factors to consider when designing a workout plan. Your training program must provide sufficient recovery between training sessions for your clients.

Personal Training Programming for the Beginner – StrengthLog

Without adequate recovery, the body has insufficient time and resources to rebuild tissues, replenish energy stores, and adapt to the training stimulus, hindering progress and increasing the risk of injury. Muscle, connective tissue, and the brain and nervous system all need to recover for your clients to achieve their best results.

More is not always better, and providing training programs that don’t allow for enough recovery can make your clients’ progress grind to a halt and ruin otherwise perfect programs.

Strategies to help your clients recover optimally include scheduled rest days, active recovery sessions, and suggesting proper sleep and nutrition strategies.

If your clients’ fitness level varies, you must plan their recovery accordingly.

A 50-year-old trainee who has never been physically active has wildly different recovery requirements from a 25-year-old professional athlete.


Each program should be personalized the right way, considering the client’s unique fitness levels, goals, and preferences.

Your clients are unique individuals with unique characteristics like fitness levels, medical history, preferences, and limitations.

Only by carefully considering these factors can you create genuinely effective training programs that are also safe and engaging.

Consider this scenario:

You have two twin clients: one is a construction worker, and one is an accountant. Even though they might be similar in most things, their everyday physical activity requires you to program their daily workouts and recovery on an individual basis.

Personal Training Programming for the Beginner – StrengthLog


Your workout plan should include exercise variety with different movements, rep schemes, and intensities to prevent boredom and plateaus.

At the same time, it must be repetitive enough to create an ideal environment for adaptation. If you change everything up every time your client steps onto the gym floor, it’ll be much more challenging to achieve and measure progress.

The Role of Assessment in Personal Training Programming

Assessment forms a critical part of your personal training programming.

Fitness assessment gives a comprehensive picture of a client’s current fitness levels and allows for tracking progress.

It is crucial to design a program that is safe, effective, and aligned with the client’s goals.

Initial Assessment

A comprehensive initial fitness assessment forms the foundation of an effective training plan.

It may include physical assessments like measuring heart rate and strength, movement patterns analysis, aerobic fitness, flexibility, and body composition.

You must also understand your client’s goals, their exercise history, and their previous experience, if any, with weight training and different exercises.

Continuous Assessment

Continuous assessment of your client’s progress helps you adjust the exercise program as necessary.

You have a range of techniques for continuous assessment, from quantitative methods like tracking how much weight your clients lift and heart rate monitoring to qualitative feedback on how your client is feeling.

Creating the Optimal Personal Training Program

Creating a personalized fitness program involves several steps:

Initial Consultation and Fitness Assessment

This is the first time you meet a new client. Here’s where you include a fitness consultation and assessment to understand your client’s exercise experience and personal goals.

Determining the Client’s Goals and Preferences

Next, clarify the client’s goals: weight loss, muscle gain, strength, endurance, etc.

In addition, consider their preferences—full body workouts, specific exercises like kettlebell swing or squat variations—and include them in your program design.

Creating the Program Structure

A simple program structure includes warm-up (cardio, mobility exercises, and workout-specific warm-up movements), main workout, and cool-down.

Have a program template ready for most of your client types, then adjust it based on the specific client’s needs, goals, and limitations.

Fundamental Principles of Programming

An effective training program should consider the following:

Exercise Selection

From squat variations and kettlebell swings to full-body resistance training and mobility exercises, choosing the right exercises for your client is crucial.

Your program design should focus on primary exercises that align with your client’s specific goals, fitness level, and preferences.

For example, for a lower-body-focused strength-training program, compound movements like the goblet squat or Bulgarian split squats make an excellent foundation on which you can add secondary exercises for a balanced workout plan.

Read more:

>> Top 10 Personal Training Exercises & Workouts

Exercise Order

For most trainees, starting with complex, multi-joint movements and finishing with more straightforward, single-joint movements is a great idea.

That order allows your client to perform the most challenging exercises early in the workout when they have the most energy. It also makes for a more fun training experience to leave the more effortless movements for last.

In addition, program muscle groups your clients prioritize early in the workout. If time is a limiting factor, focus on compound exercises. They give your client the most bang for the invested time buck.

Read more:

>> The 15 Best Compound Exercises for Muscle and Strength

These general recommendations are suitable for most advanced trainees as well as general population clients. Be prepared to adjust on the fly, though. For example, a bodybuilder might benefit from focusing more on isolation movements to target a lagging muscle group.

Training Load and Repetition Ranges

Different loads and rep ranges produce different results, although with significant overlap.

  • When you aim to maximize your clients’ strength development, most of your programmed loads (%1RM) should be 85% or more and six reps or fewer.
  • For clients desiring muscle growth, loads between 60–85% of 1RM and a rep range of 6–15 are ideal. Both lighter and heavier loads are equally effective per se but increase discomfort or injury risk without any particular benefits.
  • Clients looking for fat loss should keep the weights up and train for strength and muscle gain. A higher rep range with lighter weights with the goal of “burning fat” does not work as intended. Fat and weight loss are primarily the results of proper nutrition, with added cardio as needed, not doing endless reps with the weights.
  • Including lighter loads with higher reps can be beneficial for muscle endurance, especially for the lower body.

Volume and Intensity

You should adjust training volume and intensity based on your client’s needs and recovery.

The most important thing here is balancing hard work with rest periods and strategies to optimize recovery and prevent overtraining.

A novice trainee cannot recover from the work an athlete thrives upon.

Program Progression and Modification

Ensuring progress by increasing intensity or volume over time (progressive overload) is an important element of successful personal training programming.

Adjust your clients’ set and rep scheme, training load, and rest period between sessions depending on how fast they recover and the speed of their progress. If the client hits a plateau or their goals change, tweak the workout program.

A beginner workout may need frequent updates as beginner clients adapt faster.

Make the Most of Your Clients’ Time

Not having enough time is the most common reason people don’t exercise. It is both your and your client’s most valuable commodity.

The duration of each session needs to consider the client’s schedule, commitment level, and individual capacity for exercise.

If they don’t have much time to spend working out, it becomes all the more important to tailor your personal training programming to maximize the results they get from each valuable minute they spend with you. 

Focus on Your Clients’ Goals and Needs

Lastly, you must consider what type of training is ideal for your client to reach their goals.

This refers to the kind of exercise performed: cardio, strength training, flexibility, aerobic training, or a blend of these.

Personal Training Programming for the Beginner – StrengthLog

As a strength training coach, resistance training is a given, but depending on your client’s preferences and goals, they might need more or less aerobic exercise and mobility training to reach their goals.

Plan your personal training programming accordingly.

A sedentary middle-aged client might need a balance of all types of training, while an elite strength athlete will need very specialized strength-focused planning.

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Periodization and Manipulation of Training Variables

Periodization refers to how you divide your training plan into specific periods—microcycle (e.g., a week), mesocycle (e.g., several weeks), and macrocycle (the entire program).

You can utilize different types of periodization (linear, undulating, block) based on your client’s goals and how they adapt.

For beginner clients, periodization doesn’t have to be complex at all. It can be as simple as adding a rep here and increasing the weight a little the next workout. 

Periodization becomes more critical for advanced athletes. You can strategically manipulate their training variables (e.g., intensity, volume, frequency) to break through plateaus and stimulate optimal adaptation.

Periodization and manipulation of training variables like volume (the total amount of work done) and intensity (how hard the work is) ensures that your workout plan remains progressive and avoids stagnation.

Cross-Training and Variety

Cross-training and introducing variety is a great way to prevent injuries, plateaus, and boredom for most clients.

A varied, fun, and effective program could incorporate various activities, from full-body workouts to specific single-joint movements.

Functional training involves exercises mimicking movement patterns in the real world.

Including functional exercises like squats, overhead presses, farmer’s walk, and kettlebell swing into your program helps improve daily activities’ performance.

Program Modification and Progression

Client Feedback

Every client is unique, and your programs should reflect that. Regularly assessing progress and making necessary adjustments based on your client’s needs ensures they stay on track.

Client feedback is a critical part of your personal training programming. 

This communication can be through weekly check-ins or immediate post-session discussions, in person or online, providing valuable insights that inform program modifications.

Monitoring and Adjusting

Over time, even the best programs need adjusting due to changes in the client’s goals, performance improvements, or lifestyle alterations. 

In addition, you might not get the program right the first time.

The program might need adjustments if your client is not seeing the expected progress. It is crucial to ensure your client is constantly moving towards their fitness goals, even if it is in small increments.

Strategically making these adjustments ensures the program aligns with your client’s needs and progress.

Methods of Monitoring Progress

Various tools, including heart rate monitors, fitness apps, and personal training software, make tracking progress easier.

Wearable tech can play an integral role in monitoring progress. Devices can measure metrics like heart rate, steps, and sleep, providing valuable data you can use to refine your training.

Many online platforms provide weekly check-ins, which offer opportunities to adjust the program design based on real-world feedback and performance.

As a certified personal trainer, using personal training software or personal training apps allows you to provide comprehensive support to your clients, whether they are in-person clients or accessing your services and online programs remotely.

Personal training software like StrengthLog Coach can be a great option to track progress for in-person and online training programs. You can record your client’s performance, such as the rep range, rest periods, and weight used in a session, making it easy to plan the next workout.

In addition, built-in chat functionality makes it easy to communicate with your client and assess how they’re doing beyond what numbers on a spreadsheet indicate.

The Role of Nutrition in Personal Training Programming

Providing nutrition advice is an essential part of personal training programs for any fitness goal. Whether your client is looking for weight loss, muscle gain, or improving general health, nutrition is key.

Understanding basic nutrition principles and creating meal guidance that complements your training regime help your clients reach their goals and add tremendous value to your personal training business.

Just like a fitness assessment, a nutritional assessment helps you understand your client’s eating habits and preferences. This information is vital for giving nutrition advice your client will enjoy and stick to.

It’s important to remember that, in most cases, only a Registered Dietitian or a licensed physician can prescribe a detailed nutrition plan and tell their clients to follow meal plans.

Unless you are qualified to do so, you should instead provide guidance and advice on how a client can structure their meals.

A client aiming for fat loss will need a different approach from one focusing on muscle gain. Your nutrition advice should be as personalized as your workout program.

And keep in mind that even though you are allowed to give nutrition advice to your clients, you should only do so if you know what you are talking about. That means getting a certification as, at a minimum, a nutrition coach to go along with your personal trainer certification.

Final Words

By utilizing the strategies and principles in this article, you will be able to create more effective, individualized programs that meet your client’s fitness goals and keep them motivated and satisfied.

Learning and adapting is the key to success for fitness professionals.

Whether you are a new fitness trainer or a certified personal trainer with years of experience, always be open to continuous learning and refining your skills to create the perfect programs.

Whether you’re an online personal trainer or practice the hands-on approach on the gym floor, remember there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. Every client has unique needs, capabilities, and goals. 

Your hard work in creating an optimized program pays off when you see your clients achieve their goals. One of the best parts of being a fitness trainer is the chance to make a real difference.

Combine your personal training programming with some business skills, and you’re set for long-term success in the fitness industry at the end of the day.

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Programme de formation personnelle pour les débutants – StrengthLog

Programme de formation personnelle pour les débutants – StrengthLog


Commencer un programme de formation personnelle peut sembler intimidant pour les débutants. Cependant, avec le bon programme et les bons conseils, il est possible d’atteindre ses objectifs de remise en forme de manière efficace et sécurisée. Dans cet article, nous allons examiner comment créer un programme de formation personnalisé pour les débutants, en utilisant la méthode StrengthLog.

Création d’un programme de formation personnalisé

Pour créer un programme de formation personnalisé, prenez en compte les éléments suivants :

  1. Définissez vos objectifs : Que souhaitez-vous accomplir avec votre programme d’entraînement ? Voulez-vous gagner en force, perdre du poids ou améliorer votre condition physique générale ?
  2. Évaluez votre niveau de condition physique actuel : Il est important de connaître votre point de départ pour pouvoir mesurer vos progrès. Effectuez une évaluation de votre force, de votre endurance et de votre flexibilité.
  3. Concevez vos séances d’entraînement : Les séances d’entraînement devraient comprendre une combinaison d’exercices de force, de cardio et de flexibilité. Utilisez une variété d’exercices pour cibler tous les groupes musculaires.
  4. Planifiez votre progression : Commencez lentement et augmentez progressivement l’intensité et la durée de vos séances d’entraînement à mesure que votre condition physique s’améliore. Assurez-vous de vous reposer suffisamment entre les séances.
  5. Surveillez vos progrès : Tenez un journal d’entraînement pour suivre vos progrès. Cela vous permettra de rester motivé et d’apporter les ajustements nécessaires à votre programme de formation.

Exemple de programme de formation personnalisé

Voici un exemple de programme de formation personnalisé pour les débutants :

Jour 1 : Force

  • Squats – 3 séries de 10 répétitions
  • Pompes – 3 séries de 10 répétitions
  • Tirage horizontal – 3 séries de 10 répétitions

Jour 2 : Cardio

  • Course à pied – 20 minutes
  • Vélo elliptique – 15 minutes

Jour 3 : Flexibilité

  • Étirements de tout le corps – 15 minutes
  • Yoga – 30 minutes

Foire aux questions (FAQ)

Q : Combien de jours par semaine devrais-je m’entraîner ?
R : Il est recommandé de s’entraîner au moins trois jours par semaine pour obtenir des résultats optimaux.
Q : Combien de temps devrais-je me reposer entre les séances d’entraînement ?
R : Il est recommandé de se reposer au moins un jour complet entre les séances d’entraînement pour permettre à votre corps de récupérer et de réparer les muscles.
Q : Combien de temps faut-il pour voir des résultats ?
R : Les résultats varient en fonction de plusieurs facteurs, tels que votre niveau de condition physique actuel et vos objectifs. Cependant, avec une pratique régulière, vous devriez commencer à remarquer des changements positifs dans les quatre à six semaines.


Personal Training Programming for the Beginner – StrengthLog

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