Take Spin for A Spin

Take Spin for A Spin


Spin Week: Take Spin for A Spin!

Whether you’re a long-time member or recently joined, have you ever experienced one of our spin classes? Spinning is a great low-impact form of cardio. Additional health benefits of spinning include improvement of lung health, stress relief, and helps with building lower body strength. During the cold winter months, spin provides a solution, being a great indoor exercise. Taking a spin class also helps reduce the risk of injury, hence the guidance of an instructor who can ensure that you’re cycling safely and properly. Additionally, spinning helps to boost your endorphins and energy levels. If you’re feeling ready to take the first step towards these health benefits, then now is your chance!

From January 16th-28th, both RED and FIT memberships will be able to access spin classes during that time. Current TOTAL members can bring in a friend to try spinning and will have access to the Spin Loyalty card, where after your tenth spin class within a 30-day period, you receive a complimentary shake! Signing up for spin classes can be done directly through our mobile app or at the front desk.

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Take Spin for A Spin

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